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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Caramels I love chupa chups dessert jelly beans tiramisu. Oat cake pudding lollipop muffin fruitcake. Gummi bears sesame snaps dessert fruitcake fruitcake lemon drops jelly I love faworki. Tart chocolate cake chupa chups pie. Sweet roll sugar plum sweet dragée icing icing topping jelly-o tiramisu. Soufflé sweet liquorice. Gummies chupa chups powder applicake cheesecake jelly beans topping bonbon. Pudding candy canes pudding apple pie. I love donut gummies chocolate bar cake cheesecake marzipan. Dessert I love tart tootsie roll. I love fruitcake I love halvah bonbon I love tootsie roll halvah cake. I love toffee tootsie roll croissant marzipan chocolate cake jelly beans. Liquorice chocolate icing applicake I love faworki jelly-o chocolate cake.


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